Arte Scriba, programming and management solution for your business

Arte Scriba, programming and mangement solution for your business

Arte Scriba is the programming and management solution for your business, Analysis, Intelligence, Programming and Flows (ai-pf). You have an idea. Arte Scriba turns it to reality.

Programming, Business management, program analysis, Intelligence, business intelligence, flow, ai-pf, aipf, program design, program coding, business process, program development, business application code

Programming, Business management, program analysis, Intelligence, business intelligence, flow, ai-pf, aipf, program design, program coding, business process, program development, business application code

Picto Process Flow Tailored programming (ai-pf)

Arte Scriba core skill is programming, mainly on Microsoft .NET Framework, C# and XAML code.

ou have an idea. Arte Scriba turns it to reality. Arte Scriba realizes tailored programs for your business solutions : communication, media, management, management, logistics, production.


Through process functional analysis, Arte Scriba is able to provide optimized application aimed at maximizing your business' potential and convert your ideas in reality.


Technology watch, what can be improved discernment, a good knowledge of database systems.

Arte Scriba approach will tend, in an economical model, to seek the solution closest to your needs.


Fluent in various computer languages, primarily C# code, but not only, with focus on the algorithm. Thus, Arte Scriba provides reproducible solution in multiple programming languages to the closest match end user (your customer) expectations.


Submitted project operational analysis, initially resulting in a diagram, usually of IDEF0 type. This paves the way for a reflection to process optimisation before programming and production release occurs.

What we did

Among programming solutions already supplied, you can find :

  • AI Suite, content management tool dedicated to our customers' websites.
    Programming SilverLight 5, SQL Server.
  • AI Suite ASPX and AI Suite MVC, subject to a license agreement, this program provides web sites publication « mecanics », it is maintained by Arte Scriba on Server Windows.
    Programming ASP.NET, MVC, SQL Server, HTML5, XHTML, JavaScript mode object, jQuery, CSS, GDI, WCF and MVC Web API.
  • RGD Predim V4, modelling tool and design calculation in three dimensions for galvanic anodes in a reinforced concrete structure, a SilverLight 5.
    WPF 3D, DirectX and SilverLight 5 (use XNA) programming.
  • VCard format, contacts rationalization tool VCARD format.
    Result: 84 000 contacts extracted from 11 posts and 5 phones processed into in 6 400 qualified prospects.
    WPF and SQL Server.
  • Analytical treasury and accounting project, it is in fact Arte Scriba financial management own solution. This tool provided a Treasury and billing very accurate view, up to six months ahead. This tool includes :
    • costs estimate of outstanding amount according to local regulations,
    • statistical projections over next twelve months,
    • fleet vehicles management and expense reporting,
    • expenses reimbursement notes management for employees,
    • quotes productions and specifications,
    • client and supplier file,
    • products and services catalogue management,
    Result : over years 2011 to 2013, balance amounted to the result provided by our expert accountant.
    C#, WPF, and SQL Server.