Management methods about private information respect and confidentiality

Privacy statement

Methods about confidenciality and privacy respect, information provided by users and their life private

The Arte Scriba site privacy statement provided by Arte Scriba AI Suite system

Date of last update: the 18/12/2018

In accordance to UK Data protection Act 1998, information relevant to usage and user experience may be recorded. No personal data will be stored without your consent, or resold to a third party, access to your personal information shall be granted as described below.

On site /en(referred thereafter as the ’Site’), the greatest importance is attached to personal data protection. This privacy statement applies only to this site; it may not apply to other sites, online or not, or any other products or services. By accessing the Site, you agree to the registration of your information and the terms of use described in this privacy statement.

Blocking Cookies will change your user experience and application's behavior. Some features will no longer be available.

This site uses cookie to keep

  • User's language preference

Within the context of the contract defined about recording application by the clients, collected information remain to the exclusive client’s use until the end of the contract. Date from which the client has 30 days to request for all his data to be erased. After which delay, Arte Scriba can use the right to use these data with the scope of Data Protection Act.

  • When you register to use some services provided by Arte Scriba, we may ask for personal information.
  • Information collected may be associated with other information collected by other means from the same web site, or other companies.
  • Cookies are being used alongside other technologies to follow your interactions with the site and services. They are intended to provide a personalised experience, you may block the utilisation of cookies by changing the settings in your browsing application software. Although, please take note that this will diseable some functionalities.
  • Owing to the contract, our clients may use tools dedicated to recording personal information about their contacts, business related or private online with the site and attached services.

These information are collected with a functional objectiv,

  1. to enable commerciale transactions between Arte Scriba, its clients and/or its client’s clients.
  2. in order to facilitate communication between Arte Scriba, its clients and/or its client’s clients.
  3. in order to improve this web site’s technical features

According to the Data Protection Act, you have a right to access, modify, correct or erase personal data that are stored about you. You can apply this right using a recorded mail addressed to Arte Scriba sàrl SARL 754, route des Fontaines, 69440 Taluyers, France.

Arte Scriba will rectify or erase a record about personal data for free within 30 days after receiving a recorded mail request with proof of your identity. However, a consultation request concerning personal data stored by Arte Scriba must include a check of the amount of $8.50 paid to Arte Scriba sàrl, for each discrete private person or business entity to cover administration costs.

We occasionally update this privacy statement. In this case, we correct also the "last update" date at the top of this privacy statement. In the event of substantial changes to this statement, we will point out you it by placing a visible notice on the homepage of the Web site or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to regularly consult this privacy statement in order to stay informed about how we help you protect your personal information we have collected. Continued use of this service constitutes your agreement as to this privacy statement and its updates.

Your comments concerning this privacy statement are welcome. If you believe that our website does not comply to this privacy statement, contact us electronically or using postal mail to the address located on the Terms and Conditions and we will use all reasonable means to quickly identify and remedy the problem.